IoT connectivity that works no matter how many devices connect.

Room for Devices. Capacity for Business.

The usable capacity of a system is the number of devices that can simultaneously be supported per tower or base-station with a given data usage plan. Capacity is a limited resource and the amount of capacity available is heavily dependent on the selected network technology. You can only slice a pie up so many ways before you run out, and capacity works the same way.

To complete the analogy, uplink capacity is how much bandwidth is available—or land—times the number of floors a technology can build on a given piece of land—spectral efficiency.

RPMA has the most bandwidth available of any technology with 80 MHz available worldwide. Other existing LPWA technologies have anywhere from 1.25% to 15% of that.

So not only can they only build single story ranchers, but they have far less land to build it on. That’s hardly the vision for the IoT with tens to hundreds of billions of devices connected.


The result is that a tower with RPMA infrastructure supports a factor of 60x to 1300x more devices per piece of network infrastructure than the other existing LPWA technologies. Not surprisingly, the ability to put 60x to 1300x more devices on the network allows an RPMA carrier to charge low connectivity prices, and still make a tremendous profit.


No matter how successful the IoT is, our network will always have the ability to pack in more capacity. This means that businesses and consumers using our technology for their data pipe never have to think about the data pipe, it just works and always will. With RPMA, the success our customers and their customers is a reason for celebration. With LoRa and Sigfox technology based networks, their customers success are reasons for concern, as they are not able to scale their capacity due to lack of transmit power control. This is a fatal flaw. Ever been to a big event like a concert or sports game? Notice how difficult it is to get even an SMS message through? That is how a filledtocapacity LoRa or Sigfox technologybased network will be—but it will permanently operate at such, with no improvement possible. With RPMA, we’ve built the future success of the IoT—and your connected life—right into the core of our technology.  

Learn how RPMA networks can handle billions of devices
Click here to download the ebook


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