IoT connectivity that works for 20+ years on a single battery.

Customer Proven. Longer Battery Life.

Longer battery life means that customers have integrated RPMA® and deployed devices in real-world conditions providing regular reports on actual battery life performance. You don’t know a technology’s battery life until those conditions are met. And that’s how we know that RPMA® can offer 20+ years of battery life.

CLICK HERE to Download the Six Secrets to Long Battery Life white paper

Because RPMA® optimized at all layers of the protocol for low power consumption power companies save tens of millions of dollars, pallets, pets, and other precious assets can be tracked with the same device for years. No tedious charging every day, week or month. One key aspect to achieve such long battery life is by adaptive data rates: maximizing data rate—yet still reliably closing the link—which minimizes the transmitter on-time. Endpoints from other existing LPWA approaches either transmit at the lowest data rate—using the most power consumption—or only very poorly perform adaptive data rates.

Click here to DOWNLOAD the RPMA eBook

Another key requirement for maximizing battery life is to minimize all protocol overhead. Today’s cellular is an example of where the overhead on the cellular network is the dominant factor in battery drain – much more so than the actual transmission of data. That is a big reason why cellular is working on LPWA in the 3GPP standards body. And because you can’t know the actual battery life until it is tested in a real device in real-world conditions, we won’t know cellular LPWA’s battery life for years.

Real Battery Life. Real Deployments.

Our proof is in our actual deployments, with real world usage and real world conditions. RPMA has been demonstrating long battery life in more than 38 real world deployments all around the world. We have more than a hundred thousand proof-points in the field for several years.

Battery life depends on what kind of data usage your device has. Checking in on something once a day? That’s 20+ years of battery life (see below). Getting data from it every couple hours? That’s 10 to 15 years. With RPMA®, we keep battery life real…long.

RPMA offers extraordinarily long battery life

Six Secrets to Extremely Long Battery Life

Click Here to get the WHITE PAPER


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