RPMA offers IoT connectivity that works and keeps on working with backwards compatibility for decades.

2G-, 3G-, and 4G-Free.
Backwards Compatibility.

One of the foundational aspects of RPMA® (Random Phase Multiple Access) is that it has been and will always be backwards compatible. Because RPMA is built exclusively to connect machines on the Internet of Things, we understand that they need to connect and stay that way. But cellular technologies come and go every decade or so, and that pace has only increased with cellular’s candidate IoT technologies. At the end of 2016, the shutdown of AT&T®’s 2G network will be complete, with the other carriers close behind in their own 2G shutdowns. These infamous “Gs” force businesses to start from square one every time. Gs die; RPMA lets your business thrive.


Real Technology. Network Scalability.

A few years down the road you’ve had your IoT strategy in place. Your IoT connected products have flown off of the shelves. Business is good. Then slowly, consumer reviews of your product start to be pretty negative. As you dig in, you realize that your IoT network isn’t performing like it should. Was it LoRa™ or Sigfox® technology? You don’t remember, but you do remember the drastic drop in sales. You receive a letter from your network provider:

“Sorry”, they say, “adding more towers hasn’t added capacity, and we have no way to solve this but to redesign our technology.” They apologize from the bottom of your bottom line.

Meanwhile, your competitors on the RPMA-connected Machine Network are loving life.

Only RPMA® is able to add network capacity as long as there’s a need. No other existing LPWA technology has taken the time to truly innovate and bake that capability in.

Because Ingenu was founded and run by the best in the wireless industry, we’ve been smart in how we’ve designed our technology. There are no shortcuts to making technologies that last decades.

Click here to get the RPMA eBook


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