IoT connectivity that’s worked for our smart grid customers for years.

Automated Safety.
Automated Savings.

When we hear reports of downed flights, we all feel the sorrow of loss and ask ourselves if more could have been done. Over the years, many improvements have come including lights warning aircraft of possible flight path obstructions. In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires constant monitoring of high assets such as overhead transmission lines. Many utilities monitor these obstruction monitoring systems by sending out trucks and helicopters to manually inspect them, all the time.

This costs some utilities $1M each year and is prone to human error.

One utility approached Ingenu some years ago to provide automated obstruction light monitoring for their 1,800 miles of overhead transmission lines. To be cost-effective, they needed Random Phase Multiple Access, or RPMA®’s wider reliable coverage to reach their distant assets. In addition, RPMA provided the low-power solution they needed to minimize manual battery recharging or replacement, significantly adding to their extreme cost savings. And because of RPMA’s innovations in dealing with all kinds of interference and challenging RF conditions, the smart grid system has been operating robustly in these high electromagnetic field (EMF) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) environments for years. Ingenu’s smart grid solutions have automated safety and allowed service personnel to take immediate, corrective action when alerted to issues. RPMA’s powerful wireless capabilities automate your smart grid, automate your safety, and automate your savings.

The savings an RPMA-connected smart grid brings borders on unfathomable. Because of an industry leading link budget (177 dB), RPMA is able to be deployed to cover underground fault circuit indicators (FCIs) and hard-to-reach, above-ground FCIs. For one utility, their entire private RPMA network was paid off in less than six months from the savings. They saved tens of millions of dollars. That means that every year they saved double the cost of the system in the first place, so at year ten they had a 30x return on their investment!


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Automated Safety. Automated Savings.

When we hear reports of downed flights, we all feel the sorrow of loss and ask ourselves if more could have been done. Over the years, many improvements have come including lights warning aircraft of possible flight path obstructions. In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires constant monitoring of high assets such as overhead transmission lines. Many utilities monitor these obstruction monitoring systems by sending out trucks and helicopters to manually inspect them, all the time.

RPMA powered smart grid technology saves money and time

This costs some utilities $1M each year and is prone to human error.

One utility approached Ingenu some years ago to provide automated obstruction light monitoring for their 1,800 miles of overhead transmission lines. To be cost-effective, they needed Random Phase Multiple Access, or RPMA®’s wider reliable coverage to reach their distant assets. In addition, RPMA provided the low-power solution they needed to minimize manual battery recharging or replacement, significantly adding to their extreme cost savings. And because of RPMA’s innovations in dealing with all kinds of interference and challenging RF conditions, the smart grid system has been operating robustly in these high electromagnetic field (EMF) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) environments for years. Ingenu’s smart grid solutions have automated safety and allowed service personnel to take immediate, corrective action when alerted to issues. RPMA’s powerful wireless capabilities automate your smart grid, automate your safety, and automate your savings.

The savings an RPMA-connected smart grid brings borders on unfathomable. Because of an industry leading link budget (177 dB), RPMA is able to be deployed to cover underground fault circuit indicators (FCIs) and hard-to-reach, above-ground FCIs. For one utility, their entire private RPMA network was paid off in less than six months from the savings. They saved tens of millions of dollars. That means that every year they saved double the cost of the system in the first place, so at year ten they had a 30x return on their investment!

CLICK HERE TO GET our smart grid case study

EDMI technology

Approved Partners.
Public or Private.

As we’ve turned our attention to building out the world’s most reliable public network dedicated exclusively to machines, we’ve partnered with EDMI and Trilliant to use their smart grid experience to deliver the best smart and connected grid possible with RPMA. EDMI handles our public network smart grid customers, while Trilliant handles those who want to manage their own private smart grid. Whatever your organization needs, our partners have it covered with RPMA.


Automated Metering. Flexible.
Opt-in Deployments.

As the Dominican Republic deregulated its energy utilities, it turned to privately owned energy company Consorcio Energético Punta Cana-Macao (CEPM) to modernize its aging infrastructure and better serve its citizens’ energy needs. CEPM faced a few challenges for which it turned to Ingenu in partnership with GE Digital Energy® for solutions. Many of its customers live remotely and properly servicing their energy needs was difficult with antiquated metering systems. RPMA’s industry-grade security and reliable two-way communication capabilities allowed CEPM to develop a pre-paid electricity program that would allow financial transactions to occur as well as activation and deactivation of remote meters. Ingenu’s RPMA-connected system provided CEPM’s customers greatly improved service time and reduced their wait time for energy activation from days to hours. Because RPMA securely and reliably communicates two-ways, customers could get electricity when they choose, and CEPM could manage its grid powerfully and flexibly.

We honed RPMA® serving our smart grid customers in order to meet the strictest security standards and provide robust two-way communications; RPMA is uniquely capable of tackling the demands of the IoT.

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