The TC250 RPMA is a general purpose controller designed for OEM or Utility Demand Response and reference sub-metering applications. Particular attention was given to high reliability and maximum flexibility in low power communications. The TC250 RPMA includes a highly impressive array of advanced features. It is designed to control Heat Pumps or up to three HVAC systems and/or single water heater or pool pump loads. All relays have optional load monitoring to determine when the load is present thus offering a level of tamper detection for connected loads.
The RPMA implementation of the TC250 uses a unique spread spectrum technology developed specifically for noisy environments and internationally available frequencies. The TC250 RPMA provides both network and embedded security for the ultimate in data security and privacy. This allows the use of public networks where available as these networks are introduced for IoT or for other uses. Private networks are also available at a low cost allowing the ultimate in data security and system control.
Features & Benefits:
COMPANY Entek Systems Inc.
TYPE Advanced remote solutions for smart grid
CONTACT Entek Sales