Eight Sigfox Surprises Awaiting IoT Device Makers
Real technology makes problem-solving easier.
As an Internet of Things application developer, you want to use wireless technology to solve problems. You have an idea that will solve the pain points that other businesses, citizens, parents, pet-owners, and consumers feel. We at Ingenu are very excited to be a part of your app development journey and strive to provide a feature-rich wireless connectivity while maintaining extremely long battery life and robust connectivity.
A wireless technology meeting your development needs doesn’t happen by accident; it takes real technology research and development and feedback from customers during that process to get the right solution. But, as we will see, it must be the real technology development, not repurposed technology unsuited for the demands placed on it, or inadequate technology, or even powerful technology that is right for mobile phones but wrong for the IoT.
In this white paper, we assess Sigfox’s marketing claims and square them against the reality of the technology they are offering.