Ingenu Can Commit to Network Longevity for up to 20 Years

Ingenu has the ability to guarantee that our customers’ devices will work on the Machine Network for 20+ years because of RPMA’s innovative design. The ability to offer such a long-term network guarantee comes from several properties of RPMA:
  • Unlimited Capacity Scalability
  • Physics-based Performance
  • Exclusivity to Machines
  • Firmware Upgrades

Unlimited Capacity Scalability

Ingenu has designed RPMA from the very beginning with the ability to scale to tens, even hundreds of billions of devices. Our modules are smart and can control the power at which they send signal. This seems simple, but without this ability a network quickly fills to capacity and even adding new towers will not help. To learn why this is, read our white paper, How RPMA Works. Our network guarantee comes not only from our smart modules but from the science behind the signal as well.

Physics-based Performance

The basic science behind RPMA does not change and will not need to change even as needs evolve. The technology is capable of re-optimization while still maintaining full-compatibility. This means that the fundamental technology will keep all devices connected with all the features they are accustomed to. This also means that we can guarantee our network will perform at peak performance for decades.

Exclusivity to Machines

Our network does not rely on licensed spectrum, and thus does not have the same constraints of technologies like cellular. One of the driving reasons behind cellular sunsetting technologies every 10 years or so, is the relentless drive to appease consumer data needs. As the owner of RPMA technology, Ingenu owns the network and is not bound by the same factors that would restrict other network resellers (including cellular carriers). Our network guarantee also arises from the fact that the Machine Network is a wireless network exclusively for machines. This network is dedicated to serving the needs of the Internet of Things, not the whims of consumer tastes, so those forces that require sunsetting of cellular technology do not impact the Machine Network and allow us to make the incredible network guarantees that we offer.

Firmware Upgrades

Just because the physics of RPMA do not change, the needs and capabilities of connected devices may. Firmware upgrades allow companies to make sure that their devices serve them in the ways they need even as those needs evolve. Firmware upgrades also allow for security upgrades, which provide increased longevity against those who would seek to compromise a network. We use enterprise grade security that has been trusted for years to make sure our network is protected against malicious actors. To learn more about IoT Security, read our security white paper.

Learn more about our 20+ year network guarantee.