The first nationwide network for machines is now available in California.

California has long been the sort of place where great ideas come to life. Now, with the expansion of Ingenu’s Machine Network into the highways and byways of Los Angeles, the city and its environs are fertile territory for the development and deployment of cutting-edge Internet of Things applications. Ranked #5 in a list of the top IoT cities globally, Los Angeles finds itself a natural catalyst for innovation.

The Machine Network, powered by RPMA technology, enables machines and devices to communicate more efficiently and reliably than ever before. With the deployment of RPMA in LA, municipalities, government agencies and businesses are able to tap into its always-available, ubiquitous coverage to build IoT solutions.

The Machine Network is rapidly being deployed across the country. To find out when the network is coming to your area, check out our nationwide coverage map.



Machine Network Data for Los Angeles

Bringing the Internet of Things


The City of LA continues to provide fertile soil for new ideas. In 2016, the city’s startups received around $3 billion USD in funding, around six times more than in 2012. With valley-wide coverage (spilling into Orange County & beyond), the Machine Network allows local developers to produce IoT apps that can be easily deployed throughout Southern California and across the globe.


The huge variety of terrain types in Los Angeles has made filming scenes depicting far off locations incredibly easy. When deploying an RF network, all those hills and valleys pose something of a challenge. To cover LA’s some 2,270 square miles, 29 RPMA access points have been deployed around the region, averaging about 78 square miles per access point. What that means is that an IoT device can be deployed virtually anywhere in Los Angeles and experience crystal clear reception.


Every good success story starts with an idea. Putting pen to paper is one thing; prototyping, manufacturing and launching a killer app takes real grit and determination. With the Machine Network, Ingenu aims to make your IoT experience simple. Whether you’re working solo out of a garage or working for a multinational corporation, getting started with the Internet of Things has never been easier.

Do you want to build an IoT solution?

Los Angeles RPMA Case Studies
The Internet of Things (IoT) is supposed to have billions of devices connected that will bring greater efficiencies and savings. But how exactly is that done? The IoT requires well placed sensors that transmit information wirelessly back to the cloud or other storage medium. That information is either used live for things like monitoring or control or is analyzed later to optimize and automate processes. In this document, we will show you ways in which this vision has already been achieved around the globe using Ingenu’s wireless technology, RPMA.

The IoT requires wireless technology to connect devices that collect information. Ingenu is a wireless connectivity provider dedicated exclusively to machine connectivity. Ingenu’s Random Phase Multiple Access (RPMA) technology provides wireless connectivity to devices allowing them to communicate back to their owners. RPMA has connected smart devices for years. RPMA is a thoroughly proven technology enabling dozens of private networks including verticals such as the smart city, smart grid, asset tracking, and oil and gas since 2008.

In this collection of case studies, we’ll explore ways in which RPMA has brought value to citizens, cities, governments, businesses and enterprises. While some of these case studies are specific to a particular vertical, many may be generalized across other industries. The value of the IoT is real today, and RPMA makes that value real.

Want to see how others have already saved millions of dollars and countless person-hours? Download our collection of case studies! Enter your info below!


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